Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Patience is a virtue...

...in which I am lacking.

No one seems to feel the same sense of urgency that I do to get DD enrolled before school starts. If there is to be any kind of smooth transition back into this community and into our home, she needs to start the RTC before August 27th--when school starts. Otherwise, she will start, disappear, then reappear before Christmas, leaving her open to even more questions to her where-abouts in the interim.

Hope is fading that she will be admitted this week. Maybe next week will work, or even the following week. I am letting go, since I cannot control this. On Monday, if I have not heard something more, I will begin to bug the facility again, but the message so far is pretty clear. We are supposedly moving at warp speed compared to other cases, and 2-3 months to get things set up is a quick turn-around.

Meanwhile, my intake contact is way too mellow for my tastes. He doesn't do anything until I call him at least twice, possibly three times. He constantly forgets what he said he would do, and even though he tells me all the things that I need to send to him, and I send it immediately, he doesn't bother to check the fax for days, to see if he received what he supposedly needs to take the next step. He doesn't know how to spell our name (it is all over the faxes he requested from me). He forgets that I already gave him some info, like insurance numbers, ss#, fax numbers. He forgets that he said he would send something--something that I need to take action on to move forward. When I call to remind he, he scolds me, misunderstanding what I am asking for, then realizes that HE is the one who said he would send this stuff to me so I can jump through yet another hoop. He is driving me nuts. I think he is stoned. And maybe you need to be stoned to deal with a facility full of aggressive, challenging kids. Maybe this is why he is there, and I am not.

So...we wait. She will start school on Monday, and make all kinds of decisions and plans as if she will be around long term (she announced in therapy yesteday that she will be in the Color Guard this year--news to me and again, somewhat delusional on her part), and then she will disappear from her classes without any explanation to the students. Not what I would call an ideal setting for a quiet return later, but apparently, nothing I can do about it now. We will just cross that bridge later.


Lynette said...

I would hope that she gets in before school starts, but if she doesnt' it won't be any worse than what you have been dealing with anyway. When she comes back, the dynamics at school may have changed and she may be in with a different group. Your detail oriented personality it trying to plan out an unplannable situation. Cope with the cool dude right now and leave the other stuff for a couple of months.

Angie Feldman said...

I don't think "mellow" is the correct adjective for your intake contact. You're too kind.

But I know things, some how, looked up rather quickly. I'm so glad the planets finally alligned.

Just Me said...

Well...I know that things did happen and that you were able to drop her off today! I know what a relief that is for everyone! Big Hugs! and lots of prayers that she is successful in this treatment program.