Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Party Barge

Today my department took us out on a Party Barge on Lake Travis for an off-site gathering. It was a beautiful overcast day, so not too hot. We rode over to Devils' Cove and tied off on a cliff. They brought plenty of Rudy's BBQ and coolers full of beverages. It was so relaxing just floating out there, visiting with folks, and not sitting in a cubicle trying to keep up with demand. I am sure we will all pay the price tomorrow with a backlog of work, but it was well worth it. One guy actually lives on the lake, so he went home, got on his Jet Ski and followed the barge to the cove. Then he let anyone who wanted to, ride it all around the cove.

Normally, on weekends, holidays, all summer, and of course, Spring Break, that cove would be full of boats and barges all tied together with parties, music, bands, boooze, and a lot of boobs, so when they said we were going to Devils' Cove I was a bit surprised. But on a Wednesday afternoon before school gets out, we pretty much had the cove to ourselves. Made for a very nice afternoon.


daizie said...

That looks like fun!

Just Me said...

WOW...what a cool trip!!!!

Steve said...

Always wanted to go to Devil's Cove.

But I wanted to go on the weekend when they had the parties and the....umm....other things.

My wife won't allow it. Glad you had fun!

Lynette said...

I haven't done any off site work like that. There are some perks aren't there?