Thursday, June 5, 2008

Update on the Children's Home

OK - Just got a call from the house-mom. Where to begin...

She went into another girl's room (against the rules) and took a magazine, ripped pages out of it (boys faces) and had the pages laying on her bed. When confronted, she denied doing any of it.

In her closet they found a pair of another girl's shoes. She said she was borrowing them. (So 1-went into another room, 2- took something that was not hers 3- lied about it).

Then to attempt to deflect the attention, accused the shoe owning girl or stealing her razors. Swears that I packed 10 razors and now she only has four (I only packed four).

So - House mom says - if you have 10 razors, why did you ask me for one last night. DD says - "because I don't like these."

DD's bathing suit is a two piece. She must have a one piece, so she told the house mom in training that if she would take her to Walmart to get a new suit, that she could use the $40 I gave her. (I did not give her $40--but the two twenty dollars bills gave it away that this was indeed the other little girl from school's money. DD's birthday money was in smaller bills, so no more confusion there.)

DD is cozy-ing up to the new house mom in training--a sweet, quiet character. DD told this woman that mom's last boyfriend raped her. (Not true and she has NEVER said this before to us or any therapist, police officer, medical examiner, CPS worker, or foster family.)

Not even 48 hours into it.

I asked the mom if these were fatal errors, because our lives are in limbo until we know what the next step is, and she hesitated, and stuttered a bit, but eventually said that she didn't say that DD wouldn't make it, but having three RAD girls in the house might be too much! Ya think!??! Hell--- ONE is too much!

This coming from a woman who is trained for this. She and her husband have been doing this for thirty years, this is their job--this is all they do--no additional work stressers, AND they have JESUS on their side, and they are struggling with her. I said - "welcome to my world. This has been our daily life for the last three years". She then commented that if she could just see a little remorse it might be OK. I told her that she never would, and if she did, then she has powers much stronger than mine. I wished her luck.

I will start working on our back-up plan in earnest now.


CK Photo said...

I really want to go back and beat her parents. It makes me so angry to know that this child's life was ruined before she ever had a chance. And people want to legalize drugs... they should have a child like this for a week every time they talk about it.

You are a saint, no other way of saying it. I hope and pray this works out for you.

Lynette said...

She didn't waste any time burning her bridges there did she? None of you deserve what has happened to her to make her this way. Still praying for you.

S said...

I knew she'd misbehave there, but this is much faster than I anticipated. Let's see, isn't it about eight things she did in a period of about four hours that were either lying or breaking house rules? I hope that TT is right in saying the more evidence you can gather that you've tried everything and that no one else can handle her either, even the professionals, the more likely it will be that you can get her out of your home and into somewhere that she can be treated.

Kathy said...

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph! This reminds me of what my mother used to say about my father: "If he'd just rob a bank..." meaning that he was such a PIA to have around that it would be a treat to have him do something that would end it for good. That's harsh, but this whole situation sounds so hopeless. Be well and know you are in my prayers.

Julie H. said...

What a mess. And that's the understatement of the century, I know. Ditto to what everyone else has said. You & your family are in our prayers!