Wednesday, June 18, 2008

OK - she's in...

We got approval for 14 days. The RTC will likely ask for an extension to at least 30 days, then we will wing it from there.

YFT came back with an assessment of Moderate --- not what we needed. So LSS will submit new information including the admission to a psychiatric hospital and possibly the new medications she will likely be prescribed. All of this should help raise her to the Specialized level of care.


CK Photo said...

moderate... HA! Can you submit statements for others... ie the house mom from the last place?
But small steps are better than nothing.

Julie H. said...

Yes, sounds like this is step one (the RTC)! In a loooong process, though. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

S said...

I am hoping hoping hoping that she'll be eligible for the specialized level of care. Thank goodness you have another 14 days of peace!