Friday, May 16, 2008

Gosh I am tired

So yesterday we get a call from the junior high. DD got into a fist fight with another girl in CLASS!! Sounds like she got her tail kicked and while the other girl was making contact with a lot of her punches, DD was busy digging her nails into the other girl. IN THE CLASSROOM! Both girls got 3-days of in-school detention and were put on behavior contracts. This kind of behavior might immediately disqualify her from the local children's home we are trying to get her into. Nice timing! Another proud moment for us.

So today I learned that the home DID accept her, but need to do a "consideration visit" with us. What that exactly means, no one has explained yet, but apparently they assigned her an internal case worker and are holding a bed for her. However, they want to wait until school is out to avoid any confusion. So twenty more days until we do our "visit" and then hopefully she is in! This is only the first step, and while it does give us some hope, we are cautious about relaxing just yet. We have experienced too many other false starts to believe this one just yet. Hopefully we can keep yesterday's fight on the down-low, but you never know what she will choose to brag about in an interview. I just hope they don't ask...

Oh yeah -- looks like she shaved her eyebrows again, too! That will help her blend with the other children, I'm sure!


Lynette said...

I am happy for you that you have gotten this far. It will be the best for all of you. I was looking at my grandson and thinking about what neglect your daughter suffered before she came to you. How can people do that to children?The worst part now,is that you have tried and tried, but nothing will ever fix the damage. Not love, not psychiatry, not medications. I put you in my prayers every day until this is resolved.

S said...

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you. I HOPE THEY TAKE HER!


tigger said...

OH lord.... I am crossing things for the acceptance. ((hug))

Just Me said...

Oh Cyn - You guys have worked and struggled for so long. I pray she has been accepted and can get help and that you all can have some much needed rest and healing.