Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Angie Tagged Me!

Instructions: These are the rules…. Each player starts with 7 random facts about themselves on their Blog. People who are tagged need to blog 7 facts about themselves and post the rules as well. At the end of their blog list 7 people you are tagging. Let them know that they are tagged by leaving them a comment.

1. I am basically right-handed, but also ambidexterous, and I can write backwards in cursive to create a mirror-view of the text.

2. I am one of 19 cousins on my maternal side. All but one still live in Texas. We once had an extended family reunion with multi-generations and had 350 attend.

3. I met my husband in a bar at 11:15 PM on New Year's Eve 1996-97. We still argue if we met in 96 or 97.

4. As a kid, I had Cat Scratch Fever and still have the scar under my chin to prove it!

5. I was born in Texas, but also lived in Colorado, California, and Washington.

6. My first vehicle was a motorcyle.A blue Honda 125. ;)From there I moved up to a burnt orange AMC Gremlin. Ha!

7. In college, I took a winter quarter off to work at Keystone Ski Resort. We received room and board plus pay and got to ski all of Summit County for free on our days off.

I'm tagging Lynette, Janelle, Janette, Jessica, Candice, Lynnie, and Dorothy. My apologies if any of you have been double-tagged.


Lynette said...

Well, I am tagging you back again. It may be cheating,but it gets me to everyone's blog.

CK Photo said...

I had to say I can write in mirror text also!! I do it at meetings when I am bored. One teacher I work with, can't stand it, it freaks her out. lol

Cyn Pip Pics said...

Cool Candice!! You are the first person I've met who has that same "skill." ;)

Just Me said...

I've enjoyed reading these fun facts about everyone!