Sunday, June 10, 2007

Started a New Blog...

One that is not a place for me to vent, but just a friendly place to post pics and family updates.


So, now it holds pics from our recent vacation and from our backyard.

In the meantime, my dad called. Kaelyn's trip with them is coming to an abrupt end. She pushed all their buttons, broke all the rules, and stunned them with her defiance. Oh well, it was a quiet week here at home, and Tony actually hung out with us more than usual. It has been wonderful.

They learned that they cannot fly her out until next Saturday (several logistical reasons), so we get a little more peace-time at home. Then to decide what to do next. At least now there is someone else in the family that "gets it." I feel like we are sometimes having to defend our position with some family members who only see her ocassionally and think she is fine and that we are just over-reacting. While I know that this is sooooo common with RAD, it is still hard to swallow--hearing that someone you love thinks that you are being cruel to consider getting her help in a treatment center.

Hopefully one day this will all be behind us and we will be a happy little family.


Angie Feldman said...

Many hugs!

Now to check out all the vacation pics....

Just Me said...

Many, Many hugs to you all! And those pics from your vacation are awesome!