Tuesday, August 28, 2007

She's home

What an exhausting and frustrating day. After fighting so hard to get her in there, they made us sign a release against medical advise form. Now THEY think she needs to be there. Which incompetent am I to believe.

I actually talked to some empathetic and seemingly intelligent people today as they pleaded for us to keep her there. These people would not being seeing DD. Too little, too late. Turns out she would only have four 45 minute to one hour sessions a week! What is the point? Why is she living there for that? We can sedate her at home and get her four sessions a week. They UPPED her dosage TWICE without a call to us.

Now I need to run to parent orientation night at the High School. Tomorrow DD will go to Junior High like nothing happened. But I am sure she will tell everybody what happened. I can't save her from herself.


tigger said...

My God.... (hug)

Julie H. said...

Thinking *often* of you, and of course you & yours are in my prayers.

A very quick note -- Depokote made my D(s)D gain a *ton* of weight. We're talking size 14-16 jeans (women's) for an 11-year-old. She's been off for years, and now is a svelte 8. It was very obvious that it was the meds b/c the weight flew off the moment they were out of her system. Just, FWIW.

Many *many* hugs.

Just Me said...

Oh Cynthia...I don't have the words...I wish I was closer, I'd at least come have a beer with you and let you vent to a new face! :hug:

Angie Feldman said...

Just tell me what you need to have waiting for you in October, and I will make it happen.

Lynette said...

I had been hoping you had a better result than this. I can't believe theses people were supposed to be professionals. It sounds like a scam to me. I hope you can keep things under control now that she is home.

Julianna said...

oh cynthia... I am so sorry the RTC didn't work out.. sounds like you made the right call in pulling her out, though! :hug: :hug: :hug: & prayers!